In addition to traditional cable through Charter, there are several options for high quality internet services in Greenwood Township.
More options will be added as we find out about them.
Traditional Cable Internet
Connects directly to you home.
Only available in more populated Areas.
If you don’t currently have access, call Charter to have a serviceability survey done.
Sometimes neighbors near a current area of service can band together to pay to have cable extended to their homes.
Beamed from Tower
SIGNAL Transmits from Tower on M-61 in Redding Township
Works well with direct line of site from the tower.
Radius of signal is 3 to 6 miles from the tower.
Wooded areas may interfere with the signal.
Locations with a grain silo or other tall fixtures could be used to augment and extend signal.
Unlimited, highspeed plans available.
Available from Harrison District Library.
Stop by the Library to pick one up.